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The Community with Food Intolerance and Allergies



Avoidance of foods that may cause a specific allergy is notoriously difficult. This list can only report what the establishments claim. Please take these claims at face value. They must be taken ONLY as showing better than an average awareness.

Diner Beware!


This is the country list of places to eat and stay suggested by members of Shared Care's communities.


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Criteria and Scoring for Recommendations

Email editor(at) to add a feature that would help you to choose when recommending something in this category.

The opinion is that of the community members making the recommendation and is scored from 1 to 5:-

1 = Acceptable: - showing some recognition and acceptance of our communities' needs. Up to 20% compliance with our criteria
2 = Fair: - compliance with 20 to 40% of our criteria
3 = Good: - showing compliance with 40 to 60% of the criteria
4 = Excellent: - showing compliance with around 60 to 80% of the criteria
5 = Exceptional: - products regarded as excellent by our community. Compliance above 80% of our criteria

Is there a willingness to use your ingredients (will they use your soya milk to make cappuccino, for example)
Is there a recognition of the existence of food intolerance and allergies on the menu and/or by the staff and a positive, helpful attitude towards it
Does the menu include full details of ingredients (one of our goals is the universal indication of exactly what we are eating)
Is there a willingness to cater for people with food intolerances by, for example, using soya fats in cooking or providing non-dairy spread with rolls instead of butter

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Please note that The Places to Eat and Stay Guide is for cafes, restaurants, hotels, bed and breakfast, and self-catering establishments.

Travel agents, airlines, shipping and rail companies are found in , for towns and cities see and tourist attractions in .


Shopping Zone

There are lots of good things related to The Community with Food Intolerance and Allergies in the stores accessed below. Please have a look.

Please check both the British and the US stores as the items are likely to be different in each.


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Natural Cures from Shared Care's Smallprint

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Please note:-Shared Care takes no responsibility for the safety, accuracy, style or otherwise of any external site to which we are linked and linking does not imply an endorsement of the linked site or its contents.
Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of The Community with Food Intolerance and Allergies. Thanks (ed.)


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Other Helpful Things

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Natural Cures from Shared Care's Smallprint

Mission Statement General Disclaimer Community Forum Notes Terms of Business
About Editorial Board and Authors Linking and Advertising Policy Privacy and Cookie Policy Contact Us

Natural Cures Challenges Affiliates MP3 Downloads Articles

Please note:-Shared Care takes no responsibility for the safety, accuracy, style or otherwise of any external site to which we are linked and linking does not imply an endorsement of the linked site or its contents.
Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of The Community with Food Intolerance and Allergies. Thanks (ed.)


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