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Natural Remedies for Incontinence

What is Incontinence?


Incontinence is defined as difficulty with the normal ability to hold urine (urinary incontinence) or feces (fecal incontinence) until a convenient time, resulting in wetting or soiling. Both types may co-exist in the same patient.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can be caused by mechanical problems with the bladder such as prostate difficulties in men - often as a result of treatment for or more benign prostate enlargement. In women the problem may be caused by prolapse after . In both sexes it can be a result of damage to the nerves either locally as in or from a more widespread nerve damage as in .

See also .

Fecal Incontinence

Fecal incontinence is a less common problem but may be caused by the same illnesses as urinary incontinence. It can also be caused as a side effect of treatment, or as a symptom of cancer where the nervous control of the bowel or bladder is impaired

Also helpful may be our pages for , , and .

What Helps Incontinence?

Urinary Incontinence and Overactive Bladder Treatment

The Bladder Cure is an exercise and lifestyle program designed to alleviate or even cure symptoms of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder. Regain the freedom, confidence and control you deserve!

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Incontinence Treatment


Drug therapy is with drugs to relax the tense bladder and to tighten the relaxed one. They are not specific for the bladder and can affect vision and blood pressure. Catheters may be used in urinary incontinence as a temporary measure. They are not a cure.


Home Remedies and Relevant Articles from our Contributors

Home remedies are anything from "homework", food or nutritional supplements, exercises, reading, our featured articles and so on. Natural Remedies from Shared Care offers:-

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Natural Cures for Incontinence

We explain what we mean by natural cures, natural remedies, home remedies.

Please also check out Approaches Individual to the Practitioner for other therapies and treatments.

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Who Can Help Incontinence?

Who has a Special Interest in Incontinence?

Please click on the MORE INFORMATION link for fuller details.

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Incontinence Support Groups

The home country of the group is listed. Most will provide more information, advice, contacts and help wherever you live:-

Great Britain National
Great Britain National
Great Britain National
New Zealand National
New Zealand National
United States of America National

Please email editor(at) with the name and URL of your suggestions for additional groups.

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Where You Can Eat, Stay and Visit

Help in finding restaurants, cafes, hotels, resorts, towns, beaches, travel companies and so on that are user friendly for our communities.

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Other Helpful Things

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Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Natural Remedies for Incontinence. Thanks (ed.)


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