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Natural Remedies for Tinnitus

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus Symptoms

As a condition of the inner ear tinnitus usually take the form of unpleasant subjective sounds in the head and ears: more than 50 different sounds have been reported. Musical tinnitus is quite common in later years, though rare in young people. As well as experiencing tinnitus in ear it can also be expressed by sensations of pressure, fullness, pain, or vibrations and as extra-sensitive hearing and hearing loss, temporary or permanent. It can sometimes be confusingly similar to jaw joint dysfunction (temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction - TMJ).

In another version of tinnitus - Meniere's syndrome - the balance centre becomes involved, leading to episodes of dizziness or vertigo.

But no matter what form it takes, tinnitus is almost always distressing. It can interfere with concentration by day and disturb at night.

Tinnitus Causes

Tinnitus can be brought on by shock or of any kind, emotional or physical. It results from nervous system changes stimulated by the activation of the body's "emergency response" to the unconscious perception of threat. Some people are much more susceptible than others to developing tinnitus. (It's been theorized that tinnitus may actually be the sounds of the nervous system at work, so-called "stochastic sound", overhead by the conscious brain because of heightened arousal.)

The extreme sensitivity of the auditory system means that any anomaly, including hearing loss, is sometimes, but not always, accompanied by tinnitus. Because tinnitus can involve the emotional centres of the brain, it can be both a consequence and a cause of and .

Surveys have revealed that about 17% of people have or have had tinnitus, either occasionally or continuously. About 1/3 of those with persistent forms have mild to moderate...  

My thanks to Elizabeth Eayrs, Executive Director of the Tinnitus Association of Canada for this introduction (ed.)

Also helpful for tinnitus may be our page on .

What Helps Tinnitus?

William Shatner's Experience of Tinnitus

Mr. Shatner speaks about his tinnitus and the work that The American Tinnitus Association is doing to reverse the condition for 50 million Americans.

Natural Cures from Shared Care is not responsible for any advertisements contained in these videos

Tinnitus Treatment


Drugs to sedate the inner ear such as prochlorperazine (stemetil) and betahistine (serc) are the mainstay of treatment. These have unpleasant sedative side effects in many people.


Home Remedies and Relevant Articles from our Contributors

Home remedies are anything from "homework", food or nutritional supplements, exercises, reading, our featured articles and so on. Natural Remedies from Shared Care offers:-

Priced in GB pounds
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good stuff, packed with lots of help and information about tinnitus
Tinnitus Miracle - is Tinnitus miracle a Scam? Exclusive Review!! (worth reading - ed.)

Natural Cures for Tinnitus

We explain what we mean by natural cures, natural remedies, home remedies.

Please also check out Approaches Individual to the Practitioner for other therapies and treatments.

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Who Can Help Tinnitus?

Who has a Special Interest in Tinnitus?

Please click on the MORE INFORMATION link for fuller details.

Mr. Simon Henderson LONDON W2,  London,   Great Britain
Mr. Barry Brian Estepona/Marbella/Malaga/Spain,  Spain,   Other Countries
Mr. Bryan Watrous Missoula,  Montana,   United States of America
Ms. Carol Sue Rios Hendersonville,  North Carolina,   United States of America

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Tinnitus Support Groups

The home country of the group is listed. Most will provide more information, advice, contacts and help wherever you live:-

Australia New South Wales
Australia Victoria
Australia South Australia
Austria International
Great Britain West Midlands
Ireland National
New Zealand National
United States of America National
United States of America National

Please email editor(at) with the name and URL of your suggestions for additional groups.

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Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Natural Remedies for Tinnitus. Thanks (ed.)


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