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Positive Thinking Skills MP3 Downloads
Research has shown that 68 out of 88 people (77%) who used self-hypnosis - positive thinking skills techniques had clinically significant improvement.
Now YOU can download the same techniques for Acne and also A Slimmer You, Agoraphobia, Back Pain, Carers, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraine, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Attacks/Anxiety, Premenstrual Tension, Relaxation/Sleep - FREE DOWNLOAD as an MP3 file.
Kirsten Coulter's books
Mike Matthews, Author and Editor of Shared Care - Google+ Profile

Knock! Knock!
Kirsten is passionate about the healing ministry and has been involved in it for nearly forty years. She has received much healing herself and recognises inner healing as crucial to the development of our relationship with God. It is essential also that all our practice in this ministry should be firmly rooted in Scripture. This little book takes a fresh look at many well-known Bible stories, seeing them from the perspective of a generous, compassionate God, who simply wants us to be at peace with ourselves, with each other, and above all with himself.
All profits from the sale of this book will go to Healing Rooms Scotland and its workers.
Cost per book £5.00 + £2.00 post & packing Total: £7.00
To order: Mob: 07858473009
Also available for order on AMAZON

What am I? Where am I? Who am I?
In this new season God is reviving our valuation and use of the creative arts in ministry.
In this book the author is moved by the wonderful complexity of the human heart and the intricacy of inner human experience. She helps us to see ourselves in the haunting shadows of mental ill-health. We recognise that we are on the same spectrum of experience. We share in the vulnerability of those whose stories she tells. We glimpse the tenderness of Jesus towards those He has made - including ourselves.
(Andy Fraser Healing Rooms Orkney)
Cost per book £7.00 + £2.00 post & packing Total: £9.00
To order: Mob: 07858473009
Also available for order on AMAZON
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