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Natural Dry Skin Remedies That Work Well for the Cold Season

Last modified 2014-03-23 18:03

If you have ever felt like you are the only person that suffers from dry skin in the winter, you are sorely mistaken. There are more than 80 million people within the United States who suffer from the same type of dryness each year, according to the Cancer Nutrition Centers of America. Instead of figuring out a way to keep your skin covered and concealed to prevent embarrassment, there are several natural remedies that can effectively treat dry skin during this time of the year.

Consume Herbal Supplements Regularly

There are quite a few different herbal supplements that can have a profound effect on your skin. For instance, chamomile has an abundance of anti-inflammatory properties that have been proven to drastically improve the appearance of a person’s skin by increasing its elasticity and overall texture. A little dab of Aloe Vera can do wonders for your skin with the plant’s vast collection of vitamins to promote the healing and regeneration of your cells. When used in the form of an oil, lavender is another effective remedy for dry and scaly skin. As an additional bonus, each of these supplements offers other benefits for your body. For instance, chamomile promotes sleep, Aloe Vera soothes burns, and lavender is often used in sessions. When shopping for any type of lotion, cream, or ointment, also check the ingredients label for these herbal supplements.

lady with clear skin

Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly

Another effective way to remedy your dry skin naturally is to exfoliate your skin regularly. You can use papaya or pumpkin to generate some amazing results. However, one of the best things you can use to exfoliate your skin is Greek yogurt. It has been proven that Greek yogurt can be used as a cleanser and effective exfoliation tool which will leave you refreshed and feeling comfortable in your own skin, . The Internet is filled with an abundance of recipes that can be used to create exfoliating masks for different parts of your body, including papaya and pumpkin. In order to experience long-term benefits, though, make sure you consistently use these tools on a long-term basis.

Eat and Drink Your Antioxidants

Many people believe that you can only remedy dry skin by what you apply to your skin, such as lotions and creams. Studies have confirmed that what you put inside your body can also have a positive (or negative) effect on the condition of your skin. Keep in mind that an abundance of free radicals are formed when your skin is exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, which can damage your DNA and create wrinkles and age spots on your skin.

By consuming a well-balanced diet filled with antioxidants, you can help prevent this damage from taking place. For example, there are many different beverages you probably already have in your refrigerator that have Vitamins A, C and E. Green tea is one of the most potent sources of antioxidants and has been scientifically proven to be help reactivate and rejuvenate your dying skin cells, .

How Can You Prevent Dry Skin?

Along with identifying effective remedies to treat dry skin, it is recommended you pay close attention to certain measures that can be taken to prevent this condition from occurring in the first place. For instance, after you get out of the shower or bathtub, make sure you apply moisturizing lotion before your skin finishes drying. Always use SPF 15 or higher on your hands as well as your face before going outdoors, regardless of the season.

Adding a little vinegar or lemon juice can minimize the itchiness you can experience by using soap. You can even dump a cup of powdered milk into your bathwater to soften any dry skin that may already exist, according to . Although long baths in hot water may seem beneficial, they can actually rob your skin of the natural oils within its layers. Alcohol will dry your skin, too, so don’t use skincare products that contain it. Never scrub your skin vigorously because doing so will only irritate it more.

The Bottom Line

Dry skin is not something that anyone enjoys having, which is why there are so many products that are available on the market today that claim to solve this prevalent problem. Before you rush out to the nearest department store or pharmacy, take a few moments to consider these effective natural remedies and find out which ones will work best for you.


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