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The Hope Network

Last modified 2014-03-28 18:29

The Hope Network is an online ministry whose mission is to provide educational and spiritual support to survivors of trauma and/or crisis. We rebuild faith, restore confidence and renew hope utilizing our Hope Model.

The Hope Model is comprised of 5 steps to help the survivor of trauma overcome their traumatic past and become the best present they can. The five steps are:-

  1. Forgiveness of sins
  2. Deliverance from enemies of the heart, soul and mind
  3. Healing of the Wounds
  4. Restore the relationship with their Father God
  5. Empowerment to give birth to their gift so they can overcome their traumatic past

The Hope Network was founded by Biancia Tate who is a former trauma survivor, and who has personally gone through all five of these steps and has become the gift of God to others through her experiences in rebuilding faith, restoring confidence and renewing hope in Jesus Christ after trauma.

As a person begins their trip through our spiritual wilderness and begins to move through the five steps, they begin to learn the truth about just who Jesus Christ is, they discover the power of His forgiveness and love. This heals their heart, renews their mind and changes the way they think. As a result this changes the way they see the world and exist in the world. When they learn that they are loved and valuable and become free from all that the past has done to them, they can then begin to have the faith and confidence to move into their future.

They will now have renewed their hope and, thus, have begun to be empowered to give birth to their gift that God will give to the world.

We call that gift a hopebearer

If this is your desire, then we invite you to visit our website which is and check out our Hopebearers Life Coaching Ministry.

Biancia Tate, BSW, MBC.


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