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Bullying:Some Solutions

Last modified 2014-03-16 16:13

Bullying is nothing new. We have been plagued with bullies since the beginning of time. For a long time we never thought of bullies as anything that could really harm us, especially not to the degree it has lately. For the most part, we all have been taught that to get anywhere in this life we have to be strong because only the strong survive.

Our children are our future. As parents we have to be aware of the dangers in this world. We all watch where the drugs are, where the pedophiles are, and so on. But as we all know we can't be with our children 24/7. Bullies have become more visible in the past few years than ever. Why? Because now it's not just harassment, or after school fights. It has now become an objective to commit murder with no one to blame or punish.

In the school district where I live they have had police officers in the schools for quite a while. They called them Resource Officers. But even they can't stop all of the bullying. Some of the schools recently went to using cameras in the halls. Simply because it's more cost effective than having police officers and the cameras never take a break and they see everything.

Believe it or not the bullying has gone down some because of the cameras. I think every school should have the cameras in the classrooms and in each hallway and everywhere outside the school. Leave nothing uncovered by the cameras. School is supposed to be a safe place for our children to go to for an education.

As parents we have to stand up and be heard by the school boards that we will no longer tolerate bullying. We will never know how many of our young people have commited suicide due to bullying. It has become a thorn in the side of parents everywhere.

Parents, if you can make arrangements with your job to go to your child’s school one or two days a week. Just to sit in class with them and observe. Most employers will be willing to do this simply because they have children too. Talk to your children about bullies. If you are one of the parents who condone bullying saying "It's a tough world out there and the kid has to learn early to be just as tough", then shame on you.

Yes it is a tough world out there and yes the children do have to learn to deal with it. But NOT by being a bully. Most bullies are raised by bullies. Parents who are always complaining and making the child's life miserable, just simply with words. Words are more powerful than any weapon ever made.

Most of our youth are told to handle things at school themselves. Sometimes they can't. My now 12 year old daughter, was bullied in the 5th grade. The school did NOT call me to inform me that she had be beat up by another girl who should have been in high school. I did not find out about it until I went to pick her up from school.

Believe me it wasn't anything I can write here when I went to school the next day. I had a good relationship with my daughters teacher. She had asked the teacher in charge if she was going to call me and she lied and said yes.

My daughter's teacher asked if I had been called and I said "No, I wasn't" The point is, you HAVE TO TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN. You have to be involved in your child's school life as well as their home life. Most kids are afraid to talk to their parents. Our kids think they know everything, which we did too when we were their age. Our kids think that we will belittle them for talking about being bullied.

Reassure your kids that they are the most important thing in your life and you will do whatever it takes to ensure their safety, at school and at home. Kids, you are our future. It's okay to talk to someone about being bullied. We lose kids everyday to senseless things, like random acts of violence, car accidents and such. Bullying is not a random act of violence. It is a form of terrorism and should be dealt with as such.

The school I took my daughter out of doesn't have cameras or anything. But they have come up with a plan. There are boxes in the halls, at the office, in the cafeteria for notes. The idea is a child who is being bullied or sees someone bullying another, can write the bullies name on a piece of paper and drop it in the boxes. The school checks the boxes hourly, and then deals with the bully accordingly. Generally with a suspension for the first offense and expulsion for more offenses.

It's a step in the right direction. Bottom line, parents talk to your kids. Let them know you are there for them and will do whatever it takes to make sure they are safe no matter where they are. Kids, don’t ever be afraid to talk to your parents. We wanted our own families to raise and love. Sometimes it seems like we parents don't care, but we do.


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