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Healthy Sleep: Preventing Back Pain and Insomnia

Last modified 2014-06-19 16:20

Two of the most common conditions that affect people in the UK are back pain and insomnia. These conditions result in a huge number of working days lost, and a great deal of misery. Both can be caused by a variety of issues, but both are subject to these time-honoured words of wisdom: prevention is better than cure. In this post we'll look at what you can do to avoid these common problems.


Regular healthy sleep is absolutely essential, not just to feel more capable of tackling a busy schedule, but also to repair the body and the mind. Although we're discussing two separate conditions, there is the real possibility of a vicious circle with back pain and insomnia; inability to sleep can exacerbate back pain, and vice versa. A good sleep environment starts with a good bed, and it's important to choose a mattress that's right for you. A new one need not break the bank; foam, pocket spring and even orthopaedic mattresses are available online for a reasonable price. .


Between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night is thought to be the ideal amount for adults, with some studies suggesting that significantly less or more than that can be a risk factor for various health problems. The second step towards healthy sleep is to make your bedroom a good sleep environment. Some people find they can't sleep easily with even a tiny amount of light entering the room; if you're having trouble getting to sleep, experiment with a sleep mask. You may decide some heavier curtains would be a good investment. Dust can also be a . Keep bedrooms aired and vacuumed, and don't let pets in the room if you have any allergies.

See also

Back Pain

Back pain prevention is something you can work on all the time, not just at night. Job stresses are a major contributor to the 49% of people in the UK who report having suffered at least a day of back pain recently. Obviously, any job involving is a potential minefield of back pain, but office workers are at risk as well. Regular exercise is a great preventative measure, and simply walking for half an hour a few times a week can be very useful.

If you're stuck in an office chair all day, make sure it's adjusted correctly. Move around – use a timer to remind you to stretch and shift position. Also look at the position of your computer screen and keyboard; you should be able to work while sitting with your feet flat on the floor and with your back supported by the chair. Finally, always consult a doctor if either back pain or insomnia problems persist.

See also

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