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Change Your Unconscious Beliefs Easily

Last modified 2014-03-17 12:55

Most of us know the importance of guarding our thoughts so we stay focused on positive thinking. Keeping our thoughts moving in a positive stream helps us to have more positive experiences and relationships. It also has been shown to improve our immune system and therefore keep us healthier.

But we are bombarded with negativity every day. It has become so commonplace that we may not even realize how insidious negative thoughts, words and actions have become in our lives. From the time we are born, we are told what to think from our parents, our teachers, the media and society. Living in a modern society, we cannot avoid the influence of other people’s thoughts in our conscious and unconscious minds. 

Once we are become aware of negative thoughts, how can we make sure we are not re-creating negative thinking day in and day out? One of the easiest ways I know of is to change our thinking at the subconscious level through the use of three little words: “up until now”. 

Sometimes I catch myself thinking or saying some sweeping generalization such as "I am not creative", or "I am not very handy.".

Any time I make such a statement or think such a thought, I am re-affirming it. This solidifies the belief in my subconscious mind and actually ends up making the idea truer for me. However, I can break the cycle of reinforcing any negative thought by simply adding “up until now” to my sentence/thought.

Adding "up until now" to any negative or self limiting thought is a powerful paradigm shift that trains our subconscious mind to leave the thought in the past. It allows a different future to be created, just from affirming that this is how it has been but not how it will be. Your history does not dictate your future without your consent.

Make a decision to leave negative thinking in the past, and focus on creating a positive future with this one simple phrase. 


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