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What is Bereavement?

Bereavement Problems

Bereavement is a major life event. There are many things that need to be done in connection with the death of a partner, relative, child or friend. These vary from emotional to legal and inheritance tax related issues. These are a major in life bringing all kinds of adjustment problems that need to be solved if the bereaved people are to readjust to the new situation satisfactorily. There may be due to loss of spousal income or other factors or over wills and bequests.

Health Issues

may arise at this stage in life in the bereaved including , , and .

What Helps Bereavement?

Bereavement Counselling

Counselling psychologist Dr. Anthony Crouch talks about how to help someone who is grieving. This video contains an extract from a counselling session with a client who recently lost her mother. Dr Crouch explains how he approached the session.

Natural Cures from Shared Care is not responsible for any advertisements contained in these videos


Home Remedies and Relevant Articles from our Contributors

Home remedies are anything from "homework", food or nutritional supplements, exercises, reading, our featured articles and so on. Natural Remedies from Shared Care offers:-

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A unique approach to dealing with death and dying

Natural Cures for Bereavement

We explain what we mean by natural cures, natural remedies, home remedies.

Please also check out Approaches Individual to the Practitioner for other therapies and treatments.

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Who Can Help Bereavement?

Who has a Special Interest in Bereavement?

Please click on the MORE INFORMATION link for fuller details.

Dr. Marjorie Copithorn Calgary,  Alberta,   Canada
Ms. Lorae Marsten Calgary,  Alberta,   Canada
Mr. Martin Schwartz Calgary,  Alberta,   Canada
Ms. Alison L. Longley Burnaby,  British Columbia,   Canada
Ms. Julia Sorensen Toronto,  Ontario,   Canada
Mrs. Judy Wright Regina ,  Saskatchewan,   Canada
Mr. Phil Hoffer CARDIFF,  Cardiff,   Great Britain
Ms. Ildiko Davis BRIGHTON,  East Sussex,   Great Britain
Professor Stuart Morgan-Ayrs EDINBURGH,  Midlothian,   Great Britain
Mr. John Sovec Pasadena,  California,   United States of America
Ms. Debby Shapiro Lakewood,  Colorado,   United States of America
Ms. Ellen Kratka Woodbury,  Connecticut,   United States of America
Ms. Margaret Andem Marianna,  Florida,   United States of America
Dr. Louis LaGrand Venice,,  Florida,   United States of America
Mrs. Alexandra Rose Marietta,  Georgia,   United States of America
Ms. Sue Heldenbrand Lafayette,  Louisiana,   United States of America
Ms. Pamela Lipe North St. Paul,  Minnesota,   United States of America
Mr. Suryanarayana Chennapragada East Greenbush,  New York,   United States of America
Karen Israel Dallas,  Texas,   United States of America
Mrs. Biancia Dashiells Tate Lynchburg,  Virginia,   United States of America
Aila Accad LifeQuest International LLC,  West Virginia,   United States of America

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Bereavement Support Groups

The home country of the group is listed. Most will provide more information, advice, contacts and help wherever you live:-

Australia National
Canada National
Great Britain National
Great Britain National
Great Britain National
Great Britain National
Great Britain Leicester and East Midlands
Great Britain National
Ireland National
Ireland National
New Zealand National
United States of America National
United States of America National
United States of America National
United States of America International
United States of America National
United States of America National

Please email editor(at) with the name and URL of your suggestions for additional groups.

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Other Helpful Things

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Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Bereavement. Thanks (ed.)


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