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Natural Remedies for Addictions

Addiction Symptoms

Addiction in the broadest sense of the term includes substance abuse, misusing drugs such as heroin, cocaine and alcohol (alcoholism) as well as the more socially acceptable but potentially damaging addictions to video games, caffeine, gambling or sex.

An addiction is anything for which the person affected has a psychological and/or physical dependence to the extent that it requires fulfilment on a regular basis.

Addiction is a major problem and can lead to crime and social breakdown for the sufferer and their family and friends.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Most recovering illnesses and problems have a relatively smooth path, recognisable by a slow improvement day by day. However the path for someone overcoming an addiction is rarely like that, being very rocky and problematic, causing many a relapse into the taking again of the offending substance. is an excellent resource to help the process of withdrawal.

Addiction Medication

Certain addictions can be treated by medications, for instance, alcoholism may be treated by disufiram (antabuse) which alters the metabolism of alcohol and makes drinking very unpleasant and if excessive dangerous. Heroin addiction may be treated with methadone as a substitute. These all need the willingness of the patient to adhere to a strict regime.

What Helps Addiction?

Neurofeedback - A form of Biofeedback for Addictions

Discussion of research results showing a 77% effectiveness for neurofeedback and interviews with professionals and clients at addiction facilities.

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Home Remedies and Relevant Articles from our Contributors

Home remedies are anything from "homework", food or nutritional supplements, exercises, reading, our featured articles and so on. Natural Remedies from Shared Care offers:-

Priced in GB pounds
Priced in GB pounds
Priced in US Dollars
Priced in US Dollars
Excellent organisation to help you along the rocky road of the withdrawal symptoms.
Great community for mutual support of people with various mental illnesses and life problems

Natural Cures for Addictions

We explain what we mean by natural cures, natural remedies, home remedies.

Please also check out Approaches Individual to the Practitioner for other therapies and treatments.

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Who Can Help Addictions?

Who has a Special Interest in Addictions?

Please click on the MORE INFORMATION link for fuller details.

Ms. C. Gardiner Toronto,  Ontario,   Canada
Mrs. Beverley Glazer Montreal,  Quebec,   Canada
Ms. Liz Vincent BRISTOL,  Avon,   Great Britain
Mr. Ian Paul Sharp ABERYSTWYTH,  Ceredigion,   Great Britain
Ms. Ildiko Davis BRIGHTON,  East Sussex,   Great Britain
Mr. Carl-Peter Lehmann RICKMANSWORTH,  Hertfordshire,   Great Britain
Dr. Deepa Apte LONDON N1,  London,   Great Britain
Ms. Liz Vincent LONDON W1,  London,   Great Britain
Mr. Christophe Horvath Lilongwe,  Malawi,   Other Countries
Cindy Cabalo Redondo Beach,  California,   United States of America
Mr. Brian Green Los Angeles,  California,   United States of America
Miss. Trish Lay Los Angeles,  California,   United States of America
Ms. Carol Ridsdale Denver,  Colorado,   United States of America
Ms. Debby Shapiro Lakewood,  Colorado,   United States of America
Ms. Ellen Kratka Woodbury,  Connecticut,   United States of America
Mr. Danny Jackson Orlando,  Florida,   United States of America
Ms. Marlene Pardo Miami,  Florida,   United States of America
Ms. Pamela Bellamy Roswell,  Georgia,   United States of America
Rev Tim Dodd Chicago,  Illinois,   United States of America
Ms. Sue Heldenbrand Lafayette,  Louisiana,   United States of America
Mrs. Janine L. Agoglia Natick,  Massachusetts,   United States of America
Ms. Christie Clipper Taylor,  Michigan,   United States of America
Mr. Aaron Means Minneapolis,  Minnesota,   United States of America
Dr. Sophia Malaika/Trezza Albuquerque,  New Mexico,   United States of America
Mr. David Ramsey Novelty,  Ohio,   United States of America
Mrs. Vivienne Edwards Brownsville,  Oregon,   United States of America
Mrs. Diane Reynolds McMinnville,  Oregon,   United States of America
Ms. Inger Johnson Seattle,  Washington,   United States of America
Aila Accad LifeQuest International LLC,  West Virginia,   United States of America
Bobbie Baker Dyckesville,  Wisconsin,   United States of America

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Addictions Support Groups

The home country of the group is listed. Most will provide more information, advice, contacts and help wherever you live:-

Australia National
Great Britain National
Great Britain National
Great Britain National
Great Britain Scotland
Great Britain National
Great Britain National
United States of America National
United States of America Worldwide
United States of America National

Please email editor(at) with the name and URL of your suggestions for additional groups.

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Where You Can Eat, Stay and Visit

Help in finding restaurants, cafes, hotels, resorts, towns, beaches, travel companies and so on that are user friendly for our communities.

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Other Helpful Things

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Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Natural Remedies for Addictions. Thanks (ed.)


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